Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Try https://www.scandikitchen.co.uk for rye bread - they do mail order and their cafe is brilliant if you happen to be in the neighbourhood. Also there is an excellent Lakaghuset on Tottenham Court Road, though they are called Ole and Steen over here

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Yes you're right 👍

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Graasten Remoulade for the fish and chips! The best of both the UK and DK 😀 Gotta stock up on the rugbrød at every chance… the stuff outside Denmark just isn’t quite the same, but tries hard. I most miss leverpostej; can’t ship it and I can’t quite make it. The American pork liver just isn’t the same. It’s the foods and the friends and family we shared it all with that gives it all more meaning.

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Oh it’s my daughter’s favourite…

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Actually had a manly weep reading your post Helen. It brought up a lot , especially the difficulty finding new friends and hoping for some deep and meaningful relationships here in Denmark. Five years now and still feeling like an outsider. I’d even settle for a Rasmus the horse 😉

Miss the UK but much prefer Denmark.

I will miss knowing that you’re here with us but wish you much happiness and peace in the UK. Please know that The Year of Living Danishly provided us with so much laughter and comfort as we left the UK for DK. Looking forward to keeping up with your UK adventure. X

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That means a great deal, thank you for sharing Jonathan - and wishing you many a friendly horse and/or neighbours. It’s not easy

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Aww. Welcome back to Blighty. I love your honesty about the whole move thing - it’s both heart wrenching and heart warming. You do know about https://www.scandikitchen.co.uk/ don’t you?

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Yes! Love them. Great reminder thank you

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Ahhh Helen - this post made me quite emotional. I only met you once at your book launch in Vejle earlier this year but I know you’re much missed around these parts. Everything you’re going through made me think of our whole journey to settle in Denmark, especially the kids and the guilt you feel. All the very best to all of you in your new home - love Gary the horse 🤣 I’m sorry I didn’t get to know you better but will keep looking forward to your column 🥰

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Thanks SO much Ali, Hx (& Gary)

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Oct 6Liked by Helen Russell

I'm a little envious of you having moved back to the UK. I have mixed feelings about living here in Denmark. On the one hand, I enjoy a calmer, less chaotic life than the one I endured in the UK but on the other hand, I find it quite a cold, lonely place. You seem to have experienced Denmark in a different way to me, but it is nice to read how welcoming the Danes can actually be sometimes.

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Oct 5Liked by Helen Russell

I have everything crossed for you Helen. Good luck, hope you and the kids feel more at home soon. Gary sounds like a good distraction ❤️

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Oct 5Liked by Helen Russell

Scandinavian Kitchen (shop/cafe/mail order) - https://www.scandikitchen.co.uk/ is a lifeline. We really need photos of Gary the horse!

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Sounds like you're crushing it! The mixed heartache and hope of moving, indeed. Tears in tea and receiving from strangers and feeling all the deep feelings of transition, it all makes sense. Cheering you on as you slowly settles into and craft the new normal.

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Oct 5Liked by Helen Russell

What I love about you Helen is that you always have a realistic but ultimately positive outlook on all of your experiences. You are so vulnerable and open and a great observer of life and you share that with your readers. Enjoy all the experiences and lucky us we get to get a glimpse of your life through your writing. Enjoy the roller coaster ride of a new adventure. PS. You’re right about the bone tired experience of moving while you’re parenting, working, etc.

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Lovely thoughts….Memories never fade…..only grow with new journeys.

Thanks for sharing the cod & chips pic. Hoping to eventually find a British country pub fish & chips in the states. A fingerling lost on a mound of skinny chips doesn’t quite qualify as fish & Chips.

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Thanks Dave!

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Sorry, I'm not ready to be okay with your move back to England. Give me time. But Gary sounds lovely. Tak.

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

We are just starting to talk about relocating back to the UK after 6 years in Copenhagen, your recent posts are helping me to feel more optimistic! Thank you!

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Ahh thank you Rachel x

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

So glad it's going well! 💕

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Thanks Nicki!

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

I just did the same thing and moved back to Germany after 8 years in the US. We are finally moving into our permanent home in 3 weeks and I can unpack the container that has been sitting in storage for the past 5 months

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The finish line is in sight! How are you finding the adjustment, I wonder?

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Adjustment has been fine. I enjoy being in my own culture again. I noticed that I move around with more ease/more relaxed. Sometimes German bureaucracy and stubbornness frustrates me. Americans tend to be more creative when things go awry out of necessity, because no one else is going to safe you.

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Oct 4Liked by Helen Russell

Hang in there, Helen and thank you for this lovely post!

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Thanks so much, John!

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